Journal of Occupational Safety and Health 19: 373-388 (2011)
work features Body parts
upper back waist thighs knees legs ankles/feet
n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%)
Rest during work
No 40 (33.1) 65 (53.7) 21 (17.4) 40 (33.1) 29 (24.0) 43 (35.5)
Yes 74 (19.8) 163 (43.7) 49 (13.1) 115 (30.8) 67 (18.0) 96 (25.7)
Chi-square value 0.726 0.404 0.746 0.872 0.902 0.568
Do housework after work
No 38 (23.0) 70 (42.4) 23 (13.9) 51 (30.9) 30 (18.2) 52 (13.5)
Yes 76 (23.0) 159 (48.2) 48 (14.5) 105 (31.8) 66 (20.0) 87 (26.4)
Chi-square value 0.441 0.136 0.417 0.774 0.111 0.499
aBold items refer to p<0.05
Table 2 the correlation analysis of the study objects’ work features and sleep(reach the significance)
work features No Yes Crude odds ratio Adjusted odds ratio^
n (%) n (%) OR3 95% CIb /j-value ORa 95% CIb p-value
monthly work hours Difficult to sleep
<160 23 59.0 16 41.0 1.00 1.00
160>and<180 101 49.8 102 50.2 1.45 (0.73,2.91) 0.293 1.49 (0.73,3.05) 0.279
180>and<200 56 43.8 72 56.2 1.85 (0.89,3.83) 0.098 1.80 (0.84,3.86) 0.132
>200 46 37.1 78 62.9 2.44 (1.17,5.08) 0.017 2.38 (1.09,5.17) 0.029
Trend test ^ =0.004 /尸0.201 Trend test =0.003/7=0.350
Total seniority Sleep disruption
<1 45 57.0 34 43.0 1.00 1.00
l>and<6 113 54.1 96 45.9 1.12 (0.67,1.90) 0.660 1.35 (0.77,2.36) 0.293
6>and<l1 43 47.3 48 52.7 1.48 (0.81,2.71) 0.207 2.05 (1.02,4.14) 0.044
1l>and<16 35 60.3 23 39.7 0.87 (0.44, 1.73) 0.692 1.24 (0.56,2.74) 0.592
16>and<21 11 47.8 12 52.2 1.44 (0.57,3.67) 0.440 2.37 (0.84,6.72) 0.105
>21 23 69.7 10 30.3 0.58 (0.24,1.37) 0.211 0.95 (0.35,2.56) 0.922
Trend test jS=-0.016p=0A99 Trend test 0 =-0.004 p=0.806
aThe adjusted odds ratio has also controlled the age, gender, marital status,living arrangements, exercise habits, and smoking habits,n=491 _ bOR= odds ratio; CI= confidence interval.
“Work seniority” and discomfort in the lower legs, ankles/feet have a significant correlation (p<0.05), in which, the ones with a higher prevalence rate are mostly the ones who have worked less than one year (27.8%, 39.2%), the ones with longer work seniority (>16 years) on the other hand can handle it in a proper way. The possible factor may be because the study objects are current workers; the ones who work longer and have musculoskeletal discomfort may have
left the job. Also, maybe the ones with longer work seniority have more work experience, so they know more how to themselves, and the information is worth being included in the training course.
The ones who “have to do housework after work” (only upper arm discomfort-27.9%) have a significant difference (p<0.05) with the ones do not have to do house向您推薦:台北市 廚具 防盜門窗 場地租借
凱氏運動(Kegels Exercises)
經期健康(Menstriml Health )
甲氧基雌g炔醇 (mestranol)
第八章正反器程式製作 7(59
由於B前我國政府根本無有關「婦女健康」work after work (Table 1). This may be because that doing housework is a
- Jan 17 Thu 2013 20:06
Trend test